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Text 3


This method was widely used in the 1950s and 1960s, and the emphasis was not on the understanding of words, but rather on the acquisition of structures and patterns in common everyday dialogue. It gave students a lot of speaking practice by using habit-formation drills. Other characteristics of this method are:


•Theory of Behaviorism is in its base;
•Set phrases are memorized with a focus on intonation;
•Grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum;
•Vocabulary is taught in context;
•Audio-visual aids are used;
•Focus is on pronunciation.


The teaching method focused on in text 3 is called

Text 2

Read the passage and answer the question.
Numerous studies show that ____________________ as compared to working independently, results in deeper information processing and more meaningful psychological connections among the participants (Johnson, Johnson, and Smith 1998; Smith 1995). The goal of collaboration is to create new insights during discussions (Henry 1992; Kaye 1992) and to move students to an understanding of alternative perspectives (Cunningham 1992). The following general suggestions can help establish consistency in group work:
•During a pre-collaboration period, make sure that students are motivated to participate.
•Establish clear ground rules: everybody must participate, and all the ideas should be accommodate.
•Be available as a resource for students, but do not offer any judgments on the work progress and assure them that the tensions are natural.
•Do not get discouraged when a collaborative task results in some emotional responses from students – keep creating opportunities for learning to work collaboratively.
(ROELL, Christiane. English Teaching Forum. United States Department for Teachers of English. Vol.48/2, p.17-18.2010. Adaptado.)

The method that correctly completes text 2 is
De acordo com Almeida Filho, as décadas de 60 e 70 testemunharam um intenso movimento de ensino de línguas no Brasil. A ênfase nesse período foi justamente na busca do melhor método, das melhores técnicas e dos mais eficientes recursos para ensinar idiomas em ambientes formais (a sala de aula, o laboratório de línguas) a grupos de alunos. Nesse cenário, surge o movimento comunicativo de ensino de línguas, com suas bases teóricas definidas por grandes linguistas aplicados, entre os quais Wilkins e Widdowson. Assim, no final da década de 1970, os métodos comunicativos começaram a ganhar força nas salas de aula de língua inglesa.

ALMEIDA FILHO, J.C.P. In: Dimensões Comunicativas no Ensino de Línguas. Edição Comemorativa – 20 anos. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores,2013.

Sobre os métodos comunicativos, é CORRETO afirmar que

Leia o excerto a seguir e identifique o método de ensino de línguas.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

O método de que trata o trecho acima é

When it comes to Language Acquisition, Connectionism denies both innate rules and the existence of any innate language-learning module, for L2 input would be of greater importance than it is in processing models based on innate approaches. In Connectionism, input is the source of both the units and the rules of language. An important contribution of Connectionism to Second Language Acquisition studies is usually associated with the premise that adults are not better second language learners when compared to children. That would because, despite having superior skills than children, adults would not be considered as better second language learners. Based on such premise, check the answer whose information contains the adequate explanation for it in accordance with the Connectionist Theory.