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In a reading class, the text is about “World Cup host countries in the 21st century”. Aware of the fact that “a strategy is useful if it relates to the L2 task at hand”, the teacher coherently offers the following instruction to develop learners’ ability to scan texts in English:
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The second paragraph points to the fact that the use of strategies
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In the fragment from the first paragraph “Learning strategies are defined as “specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques—such as seeking out conversation partners, or giving one self-encouragement to tackle a difficult language task—used by students to enhance their own learning. When the learner consciously chooses strategies that suit his or her learning style and the L2 task at hand”, the underlined verbs mean in the context, respectively,
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O segundo e terceiro parágrafos destacam, de forma explícita, a importância de os currículos de língua inglesa na Educação Básica incluírem questões relativas
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The content in the text leads to a broader notion of the concept of “literacy” and, as for foreign or second language teachers, it means that they should