
Questões por página:
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According to information given in the text, what is the main distinction between the Audio Lingual Method and the Direct Method?
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Which of the following options does NOT match the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach description introduced in the text?
The BNCC (Brasil,2017)displays Portuguese, Physical Education, Art, and English making up its language field, such an organization indicates the belief that:
According to the conceptions supported in the BNCC, the English language status is currently characterized by:
Some of the deep-seated concepts about the English language, and consequently concerning its teaching, do not cater to the prospects of a language that “went viral” and has become “miscigenated”, as it is the concept of a foreign language strongly criticized for its eurocentric slant. The item that represents a conflicting aspect regarding the ILF (Inglês como Língua Franca) conception defended in BNCC is: