
Questões por página:
De acordo com Almeida Filho, as décadas de 60 e 70 testemunharam um intenso movimento de ensino de línguas no Brasil. A ênfase nesse período foi justamente na busca do melhor método, das melhores técnicas e dos mais eficientes recursos para ensinar idiomas em ambientes formais (a sala de aula, o laboratório de línguas) a grupos de alunos. Nesse cenário, surge o movimento comunicativo de ensino de línguas, com suas bases teóricas definidas por grandes linguistas aplicados, entre os quais Wilkins e Widdowson. Assim, no final da década de 1970, os métodos comunicativos começaram a ganhar força nas salas de aula de língua inglesa.

ALMEIDA FILHO, J.C.P. In: Dimensões Comunicativas no Ensino de Línguas. Edição Comemorativa – 20 anos. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores,2013.

Sobre os métodos comunicativos, é CORRETO afirmar que

Leia o excerto a seguir e identifique o método de ensino de línguas.

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O método de que trata o trecho acima é

When it comes to Language Acquisition, Connectionism denies both innate rules and the existence of any innate language-learning module, for L2 input would be of greater importance than it is in processing models based on innate approaches. In Connectionism, input is the source of both the units and the rules of language. An important contribution of Connectionism to Second Language Acquisition studies is usually associated with the premise that adults are not better second language learners when compared to children. That would because, despite having superior skills than children, adults would not be considered as better second language learners. Based on such premise, check the answer whose information contains the adequate explanation for it in accordance with the Connectionist Theory.
“Languages vary” this is a very coherent statement when it comes to the study of language change phenomenon. That being said, check the answer that can be equally considered as coherent, on what matters to the study of such phenomenon.

Read the passage below and answer the question 32

“Effective teachers are typically defined as those whose students perform better on standardized achievement tests. In a study of effective teachers in bilingual education programs in California and Hawaii, for example, Tikunoff (1985) observed teachers to find out how they organize instruction, structure teaching activities, and enhance student performance on tasks.”

RICHARDS, Jack C. Theories of Teaching in Language Teaching. In: RICHARDS, J. C. & RENANDYA, W. A. Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002, p.21.

What can be inferred from the excerpt above about effective teaching?