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Educational objectives, contrary to being mere formalities, constitute the backbone of pedagogical planning, demanding deep reflection from the teacher regarding their practice, the content, materials, and methods used, as well as systematically and intentionally guiding the teaching-learning process towards broad and specific goals.

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The learning psychology proposes that the role of the teacher is essentially to teach, while that of the student is to learn, serving as a bridge between these processes.

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According to Hymes, to be considered competent in communicative terms, it is not sufficient to only know and use the phonology, syntax, and lexicon of the language, but it is also necessary to understand and apply the specific discourse rules of the community in which one is situated.

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Learning is an exclusively natural and instinctive process, not influenced by cultural or educational experiences.

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The emergence of interest in teaching languages for specific purposes, such as instrumental English, after World War II, was influenced by the development of research in areas such as sociolinguistics and educational psychology.