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This editorial is a critical response to the article “Poor schools, rookie teachers” (l.3). The critique is built against the logical relation established between the two noun phrases of this title. This logical relation is one of:
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“Scaffolding” (Nuttall,1996, p.36) is a process that “focus on enabling students to develop”. In “Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language”, Nuttall suggests some steps to promote this process. The alternative that presents one of these steps is:
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Assuming that current language teaching tends to be eclectic in terms of approaches and that this might result in inconsistent and unfounded practice, Harmer (2007) recommends three essential elements for any teaching sequence: engage, study and activate. The alternative with a correct example of one of these elements is:
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Na frase “Patrick died on March 17th, and the Irish people set aside the day to mourn”, qual das seguintes palavras não se relacionam ao campo semântico da palavra destacada?
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No trecho “If there were no bees, our food supply would be less varied and less available. While we might not go extinct, we would certainly need to find edible alternatives to many of the mainstay foods we currently enjoy", com base no contexto, as palavras destacadas expressam melhor a ideia de