O manual do fabricante do circuito integrado LM 386 - Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier, fornece as informações abaixo:

Application Hints - GAIN CONTROL

To make the LM 386 a more versatile amplifier, two pins (1 and 8) are provided for gain control. With pins 1 and 8 open the 1.35 kΩ resistor sets the gain at 26 dB. If a capacitor is put from pin 1 to 8, bypassing the 1.35 kΩ resistor, the gain will go up to 46 dB. If a resistor is placed in series with the capacitor, the gain can be set to any value from 26 to 46 dB.

Electrical Characteristics

log 2 = 0,30
log 3 = 0,48
log 5 = 0,70

Os ganhos diretos de tensão (Vo/Vi), sem e com o capacitor de controle de ganho, valem, respectivamente: