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What is reading for gist?
Gist is the overall meaning, the core idea, the main idea of a spoken or written discourse. When we take a quick look at a written text to establish its genre and the main message that its writer means to get across, we're reading for gist. A text can provide readers with lots of clues that help readers quickly establish what it's all about. These needn't be just the words. A quick glance at the arrangement – densely written columns, for example – can tell us that we're looking at a newspaper article, even when it's been reproduced in an exam paper. This texts explains what reading for gist is.
This reading strategy is also known as:
Gist is the overall meaning, the core idea, the main idea of a spoken or written discourse. When we take a quick look at a written text to establish its genre and the main message that its writer means to get across, we're reading for gist. A text can provide readers with lots of clues that help readers quickly establish what it's all about. These needn't be just the words. A quick glance at the arrangement – densely written columns, for example – can tell us that we're looking at a newspaper article, even when it's been reproduced in an exam paper. This texts explains what reading for gist is.
This reading strategy is also known as:
As students progress through school, they are asked to read increasingly complex informational and graphical texts in their courses. The ability to understand and use the information in these texts is key to a student's success in learning. Successful students have a repertoire of strategies to draw upon, and know how to use them in different contexts. Struggling students need explicit teaching of these strategies to become better readers.
The strategies referred to in this text are:
The strategies referred to in this text are:
That naughty child has been ...... from three different schools for bullying.
The verb that completes the sentence above correctly is:
Peter is Fay's best friend. He smokes a lot.
What should Peter do?
He should ...
Choose the verb that completes the sentence above correctly:
“Fay, what are you going to do on your next vacation?
I'm going ...”
The verb that completes Fay's answer correctly is: