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Read this sentence from the text and analyze it:

“The Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza (1452-1508), accepted his offer as Leonardo told him that he could design war weapons like guns and mines, and also structures like collapsible bridges.”

This sentence presents an example of reported speech. Which of the following alternatives also presents an example of reported speech?

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Read this sentence from the text and analyze it:

“After a decade of highly original work as an artist, Leonardo wrote to several wealthy men to help finance his projects.”

The word “wealthy” could be replaced without change of meaning by

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Leonardo da Vinci was an inventive multi-genius. He devoted his attention to many different things during his life. According to the text, he was interested in all the following activities, EXCEPT:
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According to the text, Leonardo da Vinci lived in three different cities. About his years in Florence, it is CORRECT to say that
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According to the text, Leonard da Vinci did many things during his life. About his activities, it is CORRECT to say that