Questões de Concurso
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Questões por página:
Consider the sentence: “If I’m just standing at the corner, I may not even see the light change” (l.38), and the following statements:
I. It is an example of the first conditional.
II. The modal verb ‘may’ expresses possibility.
III. ‘may’ could be replaced by ‘will’ without causing any difference in meaning.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Consider the suggestions of word replacement in the text:
I. ‘Yet’ (l.05) could be replaced by ‘Nevertheless’.
II. ‘even though’ (l.25) could be replaced by ‘besides’.
III. ‘Also’ (l.40) could be replaced by ‘Furthermore’.
Which ones DO NOT cause difference in meaning?
Analyse the translations of the sentence “pedestrian crossings all over the UK were the wellspring of placebo buttons.” (l.13-14).
I. Os pedestres que atravessaram o Reino Unido foram considerados abençoados por botões de placebo.
II. Pedestres atravessando o cruzamento na Inglaterra fizeram a festa com os botões de efeitos placebo.
III. Faixas de pedestre em todo o Reino Unido foram a fonte dos botões com efeito placebo.
Which ones are possible?
The expression ‘green-rimmed button’ (l.04):
I. Contains an adverb and a noun.
II. Contains a compound adjective.
III. Could be translated as “botão verde vivo”.
Which ones are correct?