Questões de Concurso
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In language teaching studies, some attempts of modeling the reading process have been made. The approach to reading that is generally accepted today is:
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In “Oficina de Linguística Aplicada”, Moita Lopes (1996) discusses the concept of “self-ful?lling prophecy”, presented by Rosenthal and Jacobson in 1973. The author particularly uses this concept to tackle the belief of failure, which:
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The “Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais" claim that learning a foreign language contributes to the learning of the first language. According to this document, that can be explained by the fact that learning a foreign language:
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The “Currículo Mínimo – Língua Estrangeira” (2012) has the purpose of developing the following competence in basic school education:
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The “Currículo Mínimo – Língua Estrangeira” (2012) aims at promoting interdisciplinarity, majorly with the discipline of Portuguese language. The document suggests that this promotion be achieved by means of: