548 Questões de concurso encontradas
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According to Larsen-Freeman (2003), it’s possible to assert that focusing on the dynamics of language (grammaring) is very important and it helps improve teaching/ learning abilities because:
I it allows teachers/ learners to understand language as having an organic dynamism that renders it simultaneously flexible (real-time) and stable (over-time).
II teachers/ learners tend to perceive language as an idealized, objectified, atemporal “thing” that can be easily understood by the examination of its parts, which is very limited.
Looking at I and II, the most appropriate conclusion is that:
Question must be answered by looking at the following sentences from Text 1:
And how came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and the woman who bore him.
It’s correct to say that “And” and “Through” in the sentences above are used, respectively:
Question must be answered by looking at the following sentences from Text 1:
And how came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and the woman who bore him.
Looking at verb “come into” above, it’s correct to say that: