Questões do concurso:
Prefeitura Municipal de Vila Valério - 2023 - Concurso Prefeitura de Vila Valério - ES - 2023 - Edital nº 1
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Prefeitura Municipal de Vila Valério
De acordo com seus conhecimentos sobre a Base Nacional Comum Curricular, no que refere-se ao ensino da Língua inglesa, complete a lacuna do texto a seguir e assinale a alternativa correta:
O ensino de inglês, de acordo com a BNCC, deve colaborar para desenvolver competências que vão além de ler, interpretar e resolver problemas. Nesse contexto, o eixo ______________ é bastante ampliado e envolve as práticas de linguagem com foco na compreensão e na produção oral, com ou sem contato face a face.
(Fonte: adaptada)
O ensino de inglês, de acordo com a BNCC, deve colaborar para desenvolver competências que vão além de ler, interpretar e resolver problemas. Nesse contexto, o eixo ______________ é bastante ampliado e envolve as práticas de linguagem com foco na compreensão e na produção oral, com ou sem contato face a face.
(Fonte: adaptada)
Prefeitura Municipal de Vila Valério
Complete the sentence below with the modal verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“My friend: I was able to watch TV until very late when I was younger.
Me: You were lucky! I _________ do it because I had to get up very early in the mornings.”
“My friend: I was able to watch TV until very late when I was younger.
Me: You were lucky! I _________ do it because I had to get up very early in the mornings.”
Prefeitura Municipal de Vila Valério
Complete the sentence below with the correct pronoun. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“Sarah and Patrick live in a small apartment. _________ dog barks all day long.”
“Sarah and Patrick live in a small apartment. _________ dog barks all day long.”
Prefeitura Municipal de Vila Valério
Which sentence is in the Passive Voice? Choose the CORRECT answer.
Prefeitura Municipal de Vila Valério
Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
‘Talking to a coworker: “I don’t know if we are going to reach our goal this month.
Last month it was amazing as I ________ 10 cars in total.’’
‘Talking to a coworker: “I don’t know if we are going to reach our goal this month.
Last month it was amazing as I ________ 10 cars in total.’’