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Tendo como referência o assunto do texto precedente e o que orienta o Currículo de Pernambuco em relação aos processos avaliativos em língua inglesa nos ensinos fundamental e médio, julgue o item a seguir.
A aplicação de testes escritos para a averiguação do domínio das estruturas gramaticais da língua inglesa é suficiente para atender todos os aspectos avaliativos preconizados pelo Currículo de Pernambuco para o ensino desse idioma.
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Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

The noun “curriculum”, in the third paragraph, comes from Latin and its plural form is curricula.

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Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

The excerpt ‘the most disadvantaged pupils are most likely to have been negatively affected by the impact of Covid-19’ (third paragraph) would be correctly rewritten in indirect speech as: Dr Ian Collen said that the most disadvantaged pupils were most likely to had been negatively affected by the impact of Covid-19.

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Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In the second sentence of the last paragraph, “Despite” can be correctly replaced by Although.

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Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In the second paragraph, the sentence “Language teaching was suspended by local education boards at one in five primary schools in January 2021 due to Covid-19” is in the passive voice and could be correctly rewritten as Due to Covid-19, local education boards suspended language teaching at one in five primary schools in January 2021.