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Questões por página:
Semantics in English studies the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences within the linguistic context. Analyze the following statements:

I.In English, homonyms have the same spelling and sound but can have different meanings depending on the context.
II.In English, synonyms have identical meanings and can be used interchangeably in any context.
III.In English, the context of a sentence can help differentiate between the literal and figurative use of a word.

The correct statement(s) is/are:
Understanding texts in English requires the use of efficient reading strategies. Analyze the following statements.

I.Skimming is a reading technique that searches for specific information, such as names and dates, in a text.
II.Scanning is a strategy used to quickly locate specific information without reading the entire text.
III.Inference consists of understanding the meaning of the text solely by identifying cognates.

The correct statements are:
O Artigo 2º da LDB define os princípios e finalidades da educação nacional, destacando o papel do Estado e da família no desenvolvimento do educando. Com base nesse contexto, assinale a alternativa correta:
A integração dos saberes na educação pode ocorrer por meio de diferentes abordagens. Acerca dos conceitos de multidisciplinaridade, pluridisciplinaridade, interdisciplinaridade e transdisciplinaridade, marque V para as afirmativas verdadeiras e F para as falsas.

(__)A multidisciplinaridade envolve uma integração profunda entre as disciplinas com um objetivo comum.
(__)A pluridisciplinaridade promove cooperação entre disciplinas, mas sem uma ordem específica.
(__)A interdisciplinaridade pressupõe a delimitação de níveis e cooperação de objetivos entre disciplinas.
(__)A transdisciplinaridade abrange diversos níveis com uma finalidade comum que transcende as disciplinas.

A sequência está correta em:
Consider the following text:

How to Make a Cup of Green Tea

To prepare a cup of green tea, follow these steps. First, boil water to about 80°C (176°F); avoid using boiling water as it can make the tea taste bitter. Place a green tea bag or one teaspoon of loose green tea leaves into a cup. Pour the hot water over the tea and let it steep for 2 to 3 minutes. Do not steep for too long, as this can affect the flavor. After steeping, remove the tea bag or strain the leaves. Finally, enjoy your tea plain or add a touch of honey if you prefer a bit of sweetness.

Select the alternative that correctly identifies the linguistic features present in the text.