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According to Federal Decree N.11,556, dated June 12, 2023, one of the responsibilities of the National Strategic Committee of the Commitment (Cenac) is to review and approve the action plans of federative entities for the implementation of policies, programs, and actions within the scope of the Commitment.

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According to Resolution CNE-CEB (National Council of Education/Basic Education Council) N.07/2010, the diversified part of the Elementary School curriculum must be organized separately and independently from the national common base.

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According to Law N.13,146/2015, the provisions regarding the offering of bilingual education must be applied in private educational institutions, but they are allowed to charge additional fees of any nature in their tuition fees, annual fees, and registrations to comply with these determinations.

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In the Communicative Approach, the initial phase of the teaching process is dedicated to establishing a conducive environment for learning. In this phase, the focus is on building confidence among participants and reducing potential anxieties.

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Learning to read based on textual genres is more effective when the student is familiarized with each form of language inserted in a context and a concrete situation.