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Consider the following statements about the blog “A Year of Reading the World” and people’s reaction to it.
1. The blog was very successful in getting responses from people all over the world.2. Some people posted books from their countries to Ann while others did hours of research.3. Some writers sent her translations of their novels that had already been published in English.4. Sixty-two per cent of the people that visited the blog and gave suggestions to Ann were British.5. The blog made it quite easy for Ann Morgan to find books from all over the world.
Which of the statements above are TRUE, according to the text?
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Identify the statements below about Ann Morgan as true (T) or false (F), according to the text.
( ) She decided to read nearly 200 books in a year, which included all the UN-recognized countries. ( ) She was sure she could find all the books she wanted to read at the local bookstore. ( ) She felt that she was missing something by not having read foreign publications. ( ) She created a blog to ask for suggestions of books she could read in English. ( ) She decided not to read a book from Taiwan because it was a former UN member.
Mark the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
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According to the text, before her experience with the blog the author used to think of herself as a cosmopolitan person. However, she realised that:
Segundo a previsão climática publicada pelo Centro de Previsão do Tempo e Estudos Climáticos do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (CPTEC-INPE) em 19/07/2012, “a previsão é de que as águas superficiais do Oceano Pacífico tropical evoluam para um padrão anomalamente mais aquecido, dando indicação da evolução de condições de neutralidade para condições típicas de um fenômeno El Niño durante os meses de agosto, setembro e outubro de 2012”.
Considere a relação dos seguintes efeitos climáticos com o fenômeno El Niño: 1. Aumento da probabilidade de tsunami para as áreas costeiras brasileiras.2. Seca severa para a região Sul e precipitação abundante para a região Nordeste do Brasil.3. Enfraquecimento dos ventos alísios na região do Pacífico Equatorial.4. A célula de Walker fica bipartida e mais próxima da costa oeste da América do Sul.
Correspondem aos efeitos mais frequentes do El Niño no planeta os apresentados nos itens:
Observe a tabela abaixo:

Com base na tabela e nos conhecimentos de Geografia, assinale a alternativa correta.