Questões da prova:
FGV - 2022 - SME-SP Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo - Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio - Inglês
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It has been argued that “Fostering a critical stance in very young readers can have surprising results, for both children and teachers” (BOURKE, Ryan T. First Graders and Fairy Tales: One Teacher's Action Research of Critical Literacy. The Reading Teacher 62 (4),2008,304-312, p.304).
This quotation is in line with the following goals for the teaching of English defined by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019), except:
This quotation is in line with the following goals for the teaching of English defined by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019), except:
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The question raised by the child in the cartoon brings out a recent view of critical literacy. Choose the option in line with such an understanding:
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The excerpt from Lotherington (2007) that can be applied to this comic strip is:
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The characters’ reactions resulted from the fact that they
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In the last panel, the characters feel