Questões do concurso:
TRANSPETRO - 2018 - CESGRANRIO - 2018 - Transpetro - Advogado Júnior
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70 Questões de concurso encontradas
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The phrase that shift (line 46) refers to the change in China from a
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The production of oil from shale rock in the US is mentioned in paragraph 4 (lines 21-29) because in 2018 it
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In the fragment “The threat to stability is all the greater given that Iran is likely to win any such clash and to treat the result as a licence to reassert its influence in the region” (lines 17-20), given that can be replaced, without change in meaning, by
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Saudi Arabia and Iran are mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 (lines 8-20) because they
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The main purpose of the text is to