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Integral Education, as an educational concept, prioritizes only the intellectual development of students, neglecting other important dimensions.

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The pedagogical trend called "traditional liberal" advocates that teaching content is organized based on the experiences lived by the student, thus promoting an education centered on the development of cognitive skills.

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The relationship between teacher and student in the classroom is characterized by a complexity that goes beyond simple didactic interaction or warm human interaction. Both parties play fundamental roles, where the actions of one affect those of the other, and the student is not seen as a mere recipient of knowledge but as a being capable of thinking, reflecting, and actively participating in the educational process.

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According to Law N.13,146/2015, it is the responsibility of the government to create, implement, and evaluate the inclusive educational system at all levels and modalities, excluding the improvement of educational systems.

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Within the Communicative Approach, promoting group work is a valued strategy for teaching a foreign language. This methodology emphasizes the importance of allowing students to interact with each other in small groups, which can maximize their opportunities for communicative practice.