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Verb phrases contain a verb as their central element. However, sentences that include a modal verb (such as can, may might etc) can also be considered a verb phrase, since the modal verb will change the meaning and tone of the main verb. It is important to note that modal verbs is the only exception to verb phrases without a verb as its central element.

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In the liberating progressive pedagogy, inspired by Paulo Freire, the transmission of structured content based on the students' experiences is valued, aiming at raising awareness about social reality.

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Contextualizing teaching content is relevant to promote meaningful learning, as the primary focus should be on transmitting disciplinary information, regardless of students' reality.

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According to Federal Decree N.11,556, dated June 12, 2023, one of the responsibilities of the National Strategic Committee of the Commitment (Cenac) is to review and approve the action plans of federative entities for the implementation of policies, programs, and actions within the scope of the Commitment.

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According to Resolution CNE-CEB (National Council of Education/Basic Education Council) N.07/2010, the diversified part of the Elementary School curriculum must be organized separately and independently from the national common base.