Questões de Concurso
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It can be concluded from the text that
proponents of new information technology have suggested that existing organizational and political relationships influence any use of new technology.
proponents of new information technology have suggested that existing organizational and political relationships influence any use of new technology.
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It can be concluded from the text that
the significant variation in the range and functionality of e-government services provided through state portals is related to the fact that the adoption of e-government services has taken place rapidly.
the significant variation in the range and functionality of e-government services provided through state portals is related to the fact that the adoption of e-government services has taken place rapidly.
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It can be concluded from the text that
the term e-government is used, in a broad sense, to cover a variety of situations or possibilities related to the use of the Internet by the government.
the term e-government is used, in a broad sense, to cover a variety of situations or possibilities related to the use of the Internet by the government.
Com relação aos princípios constitucionais tributários e aos tributosfederais, estaduais e municipais, julgue o seguinte item.
Conforme o princípio da legalidade, o imposto de renda não pode incidir sobre fatos ilícitos, como, por exemplo, sobre a renda auferida por traficante de drogas após a venda de sua mercadoria.
Administração Financeira e Orçamentária
Com relação à receita pública, julgue o item subsequente.