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Avaliar é um procedimento complexo que envolve imposições culturais para comparar, classificar e selecionar resultados, padrões e processos. Dessa forma, a avaliação da aprendizagem tem por objetivo verificar o que o aluno efetivamente aprendeu sem, no entanto, fornecer subsídios para a atividade docente.
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In the sentence “She read the book”, the verb could either be in the simple present or simple past.
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Even though it is generally considered obsolete, the Grammar-Translation Method, also called “Classic Method”, is still widely used, especially when the focus is on teaching reading and writing skills.
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In the sentence “We saw Bill and Tom at the park”, the words “Bill and Tom” can be replaced with the pronoun “them”.
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According to Vygotsky, the learning process results of the mediation of teachers, peers and parents on the Proximal Development Zone of students.