Questões do concurso:
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) - 2023 - Concurso UFSC - 2023 - Edital nº 2
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Based on information from text 2, it is correct to affirm that the illustration:
Text 2
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Examine the statements below and, considering the information in text 1, select the correct proposition.
I. Virtual offices are an option for companies that adopt a 100% remote strategy only. II. Virtual offices cost as much as renting office space. III. Employees working in a virtual office can work from home or other places. IV. Physical offices offer more opportunities for face-to-face communication.
I. Virtual offices are an option for companies that adopt a 100% remote strategy only. II. Virtual offices cost as much as renting office space. III. Employees working in a virtual office can work from home or other places. IV. Physical offices offer more opportunities for face-to-face communication.
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According to text 1, it is correct to say that:
Legislação Federal
A Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, nos termos de seu Estatuto, de seu Regimento e das leis que regem a sua atividade:
Direito Administrativo
Nos termos da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, é vedada a acumulação remunerada de cargos públicos, podendo-se, entretanto, haver acumulação nos seguintes casos, desde que haja compatibilidade de horários: