
Questões por página:
“Sylvia was reading a magazine. One of the advertisements caught her attention. It was her old friend Tina from high school. She was a model now. She looked amazing! Sylvia wanted to talk to Tina again. She checked her phone book from high school. She called Tina's number. Nobody picked up. She probably changed her number. Sylvia looked Tina up on Facebook. Almost everyone on earth has a Facebook account. She managed to find her. Technology made everything so easy. Sylvia messaged Tina. Tina replied back. They made plans to meet at a cafe.”

Select the alternative that indicates the correct tense of the highlighted sentence
Leia o texto abaixo:

“It's hard to get into college these days. It used to be a lot easier. Now it's even not enough to get good grades. You need to have good grades in advanced classes. You need to do some extracurriculars. Extracurriculars are activities you do outside of class such as playing basketball, playing the violin, singing, and more. You need to have a high score on the SAT or ACT. The SAT and ACT are used to test what you know. They both have questions on various subjects.”

Assinale a alternativa que indica qual o tempo utilizado na frase em destaque.
Select the sentence that has an error in the writing of the simple past tense
Among the alternatives below, which presents the correct structure of the present continuous in the affirmative form? Select the correct sequence
Leia o texto abaixo identificando os tempos dos verbos.

“Rat in the Parliament Something very unusual happens in the Spanish Parliament last week. Marta Bosquet is giving a speech. A speech means that she is talking to other politicians. They are listening to her. Then Bosquet stops talking. She looks at the floor. A rat is there. Some people run away. Some people take their feet off the floor. Other people look at the rat. People can watch the incident on TV. They do not see the rat. Nobody knows how big the rat really is. The situation calms down later. Politicians return to their seats. They start working again.”

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o tempo verbal que predomina o texto acima.