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Democratic management in schools implies centralizing decisions in the hands of the principal, who, in turn, must act exclusively as a managerial and corporatist figure.

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When the concept of prior knowledge is addressed in language teaching, it's important for the teacher to understand that this relates to the cultural and socioeconomic aspects of the student, which will facilitate text comprehension and reduce the impact of knowledge of foreign language rules when working with a text.

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The Oral Language axis, according to the BNCC, does not consider the individual characteristics of speakers, such as their pronunciation and intonation, when exploring oral language practices.

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The progressive pedagogy known as "liberating" emphasizes the transmission of objective and measurable information, subordinating teaching to the science of behavioral change and educational technology.

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Reading practices in the English language, according to the BNCC, prioritize only the overall comprehension of the text, neglecting the search for specific information.