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As provided for in Article 8 of Law N.13,005/2014, the federated entities must include in their education plans strategies that exclusively ensure the articulation of educational policies with other social policies, having sensitivity to cultural aspects.
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According to Law N.13,146/2015, in the selection processes for admission and retention in courses offered by higher education institutions and vocational and technological education, both public and private, it is not necessary to provide tests in accessible formats to meet the specific needs of candidates with disabilities.
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Integral Education is a modern proposal that aligns with the demands of the late 19th century, prioritizing only the formation of autonomous individuals.
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Canale and Swain proposed a model of communicative competence that includes four types of competence: grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic, each playing a fundamental role in the effective use of language.
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The teaching of English language in elementary school, according to the BNCC, prioritizes an ideal model of speaker, seeking aspects such as correctness, precision, and linguistic proficiency.