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According to Article 10 of the law n° 13.005/14, the education systems of the Union, the States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities must formulate their budget plans in order to ensure financial allocations compatible with the guidelines, goals, and strategies established in the National Education Plan (PNE).

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Resolution CNE/CEB (National Council of Education/Basic Education Council) N.02/2001 establishes that special education provides support and specialized services to students with various special educational needs, including but not limited to deaf students, students with visual impairment, neuromotor physical disability, intellectual disability, typical behaviors of syndromes and neurological, psychiatric, psychological conditions, and students with high abilities/giftedness.

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The school integration of students with special educational needs implies only including them in regular classes without the need for adaptations in the school curriculum or pedagogical project of the institution.

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In a noun phrase, the nucleus is always a noun or a noun pronoun. Though it may contain modifiers, determiners, adjectives, and other elements, the nucleus of the phrase is the noun, which provides the main meaning of the expression. Therefore, all noun phrases will have a noun as their central element.

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When reporting direct yes-no questions in Reported Speech, it is common to introduce a subordinate clause with "if" or "whether". So it is correct to say that the reported sentence "She asked if you were going home" is properly adapted to reported speech.