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The progressive pedagogy known as "liberating" emphasizes the transmission of objective and measurable information, subordinating teaching to the science of behavioral change and educational technology.

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Reading practices in the English language, according to the BNCC, prioritize only the overall comprehension of the text, neglecting the search for specific information.

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The early methods of teaching foreign language, including instrumental English, date back to the 16th century and focused primarily on oral communication and everyday situations.

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Requests for action or permission cannot be reported in Reported Speech using a subordinate clause with "if" or an infinitive. Therefore a sentence such as "He asked if it would be ok to miss next class" is an incorrect use of reported speech.

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The direct or cooperative implementation of school performance evaluation, which is done every two years, can be carried out by the Union, and also the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities as long as there is an agreed cooperation between the institution and is also according to the current national education system.